Bukkake Udon (Japanese Cold Noodles With Broth)


1 tablespoon (15ml) mirin

1 teaspoon (4g) sugar

1/4 cup (60ml) soy sauce

3/4 cup (180ml) homemade or instant dashi, chilled (see note above)

2 (7-ounce; 200g) servings store-bought udon noodles

Assorted garnishes and toppings of your choice, 

such as bonito flakes, nori sheets, thinly sliced scallions, 

toasted sesame seeds, soft-cooked onsen eggs, grated fresh ginger, 

grated daikon radish, and pickled sliced ginger


1.Combine mirin, sugar, and soy sauce in a small saucepan and set over medium heat. 

  Cook, stirring, until sugar is dissolved. 

  Transfer to a bowl and set in the refrigerator to chill. 

  (You can also rapidly cool by pouring mixture into a stainless steel mixing bowl and 

   nesting that bowl in a slightly larger mixing bowl filled with ice water.)

2.Combine 1/4 cup of the soy/mirin mixture (kaeshi) with dashi and stir. 

  Taste mixture and add remaining kaeshi if desired. Keep chilled.

3.In a medium pot of boiling water, cook udon until just tender, 2 to 3 minutes 

  (or follow cooking time on package if it differs). 

  Transfer to an ice bath to chill. Drain noodles well.

4.Transfer noodles to 2 soup bowls. Top with garnishes and 

  condiments of your choice, then pour dashi broth into each bowl and serve.

더운여름에 메밀소바도 좋지만 가끔은 냉우동도 괜찮은듯 


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